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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

WrestleMania Rewind Match

Check out KANE's Official site! 06MAR2006: Birmingham, AL
The fireworks then went off in the arena as Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and the Coach welcomed us to the show!

As some Oscar type music played through the arena, Vincent K. McMahon announced various matches for Wrestlmania, namely Masters and Carlito as the number one contenders for the Tag Titles held by Kane and Show.

Kane vs. Triple H
Referee: Jack Doan

It's time to play the Game as Triple H made his way to the ring for this WrestleMania XV Rewind Match against one half of the World Tag Team Champions - Kane!

Triple H gave Kane an eye rake and then nailed some right hands. Kane came back with a big boot and then tossed Triple H to the corner and gave him some right hands and elbows. Triple H came back with a running high knee but then Kane sat up and Triple H hit a right hand, but Kane knocked him down with an uppercut. Kane nailed a back drop and then went up top but Triple H crotched him.

Triple H went for a suplex but Kane blocked and nailed a suplex of his own. Kane nailed some right hands and then Triple H came back with his facebuster. Triple H went for the Pedigree but Kane backdropped out. Kane nailed a clothesline and then a series of running clotheslines in the corner. Kane hit a side slam and then went up top again and came off with the flying clothesline. Kane signalled for the chokeslam but then Chris Masters hit the ring!

Kane knocked him down with a big boot but then Triple H clotheslined Kane to the outside. Kane tried to pull Triple H out, but Triple H held onto the referee for dear life. Carlito then hit the ring and spat apple in Kane's face, and then they sent him into the ringpost. Triple H then hit the Pedigree for the win.

KANE also put in an appearance during Show's Non Title match against Cena, when Carlito and Masters decided to crash the ring. Using his special brand of convincing, KANE effectively chased them off.

Night's Match Results
- Intercontinental Title: Ric Flair def. Shelton Benjamin by DQ
- Triple H def. Kane
- Shane McMahon def. Shawn Michaels
- Vince McMahon def. Shawn Michaels
- Kenny def. Eugene
- Lita def. Maria
- Non Title: John Cena def. The Big Show