24APR2006: London, England
Backstage, Kane is pacing (no voices). Show walks up, wanting to straighten things out with Kane. He wants to know what is going on, what's with May 19th? Mention of the date sets Kane off again. Show continues, in some 'tough love' kinda way, says the date is like any other day. Kane warns him not to say it again - or else. Show repeats it and Kane lays into him, pummeling him into the garage door, kicking and going for Show's eyes. Others come to break it up, Kane flips out on them too while Show is roaring in pain. Camera shows staff having gotten between Kane and Show now tending to Big Show who's got his hand up over his left eye.
.:: source: Ed Shirreffs, PWInsider.com ::.
Central Index
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Heading Into BackLash
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:55 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Chokeslams All Around
17APR2006: St. Louis, Missouri
Rob Conway is on the mic in the ring saying he's nobody's punching bag, he's Rob Conway damnit, and the next person who dares to disrespect him will be dealt with - here comes Kane!
Kane vs. Rob Conway
Referee: Mickey Hensen
Kane nailed Conway with an uppercut and sent him to the ropes but Conway came back with a boot and forearm. Conway ran into a clothesline then Kane sent him to the corner and squashed him with another clothesline followed by a big boot. Kane grabbed Conway by the throat and chokeslammed him for the win.
No pyro - instead, likea man with a purpose, Kane climbed out of the ring, went over to Lilian and got in her face. He shouted "What did you just say about May 19?", then grabbed Lilian by the throat and picked her up high for a chokeslam! You could see the terror in Lilian's face as she struggled against the inevitable! Big Show's music hit and Kane threw Lilian down hard as Show came down and got in Kane's face, demanding to know what was going on. He asked what the big deal is about May 19. Kane freaked and grabbed Show by the throat trying to choke him out, but Show grabbed Kane by the throat and chokeslammed him! As Show walked off, Kane sat up and started laughing.
The announcers inform us that Lilian Garcia is traumatized.
Later in the show, KANE vs. Big Show is announced for BackLash
.:: source: Carl Walsh, Powerwrestling.com ::.
Night's Match Results
- Kane def. Rob Conway
- Non Title: Charlie Haas def. Shelton Benjamin
- Shawn Michaels def. Umaga by DQ
- Handicap: The Spirit Squad def. Rob Van Dam
- Handicap: Edge and John Cena def. Triple H
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 12:52 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
KANE Snaps?
10APR2006: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RAW opened up with a bang as Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and the Coach welcomed us to the show from Milwaukee!
Steve Romero is backstage with Kane and talks to him about See No Evil. We go to an exclusive look at the movie which opens in theatres May 19th, with comments by the director, Gregory Dark and co-stars. Afterward, Romero said he was hoping for a word with Kane but he's left the area and they can't track him down.
World Tag Team Championship Match
Kane and The Big Show vs. The Spirit Squad (c)
Referee: Chad Patton
The Spirit Squad bounce into the ring as the new World Tag Team Champions with Johnny and Nicky defending the gold tonight against the team they beat for the gold last week, the Big Show and Kane!
Kane is shown wlaking in some hallway backstage when we start to hear some whispering, like he's hearing things. "You can't stop it . . . May 19th . . . It's happening again, Kane". Kane reacts turning into the wall, sliding down and folding into himself with his hands up over his head. He's startled when Show lays a hand on his shoulder, asked if he was all right. Kane seemed to recover quickly, said he was good - let's go do this thing.
Back on RAW, after commercial break, the Squad are still dancing around in the ring when Kane and Big Show enter.
Show tossed Johnny to the corner, pulling his shrit up over hishead, then nailed him with a huge chop to the chest. A huge slam followed by a kicked in the gut and a choking on the middle rope later, Show sent Johnny head first to the corner, ripping the kid's shirt off.
Show tagged in Kane who continued the assult on the hapless Johnny, scoring with a hip toss and we are shown a huge hand print of the Big Show on Johnny's chest. Nicky tagged in and Kane nailed him with an uppercut. Johnny got a blind tag and saved Nicky from a slam, connecting with some right hands and then an elbow in the corner before he got caught on a cross body attempt. Nicky made a save when he dropkicked Johnny onto Kane and got one.
Kane came back with a back suplex and then Show tagged in and gave Johnny a head butt and stood right on him in the corner with all his weight. Show clubbed Johnny and gave him another head butt then kicked at Johnny in the corner. Kane pulled Johnny to the outside and gave him a right hand. Show pulled Nicky into the ring and Nicky gave ahigh pitched scream as Show press slammed Nicky over the top to the outside onto the entire Squad!
Kane went up top but one of the Squad knocked him down then Johnny connected with a spin kick on Kane before he tagged in Nicky. Nicky hammered away on Kane and then Kenny took a cheap shot from the outside 'til Nicky covered for one. Kane came back with rights but Nicky hit a dropkick to the knee and sent Kane outside. The Squad stomped away on Kane on the outside 'til Show chased them off. Nicky sent Kane back inside and then tagged in Johnny who immediately began kicking away at Kane's leg. He locked in a grapevine, but Kane kicked him away. Nicky tagged back in and he and Johnny nailed a groin puller on Kane for two. Kane fought back with right hands and went for the tag but Johnny tagged in and hit a dropkick at Kane's back before he could reach Show. Nicky tagged back in continued to work over the leg with another groin puller then a two count cover.
Johnny tagged in and they went for a double suplex but Kane sat up and the Squad hammered away on Kane to the outside. Kane seemed to revive and got in some uppercuts on the outside and then slammed Nicky into the apron and sent him back inside. Kane slammed Johnny head first into the ring steps and then grabbed a chair - thought better of it then started tossing chairs into the ring as the referee called for the bell!
Winners by disqualification - The Spirit Squad
Kane got back in the ring and gave Johnny a chokeslam and then Nicky came in and got a chokeslam too. Kane grabbed a chair and the referee tried to stop him but then he grabbed the referee and gave him a chokeslam too! Show got in the ring, aking asked Kane if he was okay. Kane just stood there - Show asked what was wrong with him and told him to calm down. Kane then got in Show's face and pushed him. Show got pissed and shoved him back and said he doesn't care what's going on in his head, he don't push him. Show told him to calm down and then Kane acted like he was calming down and then grabbed Show by the throat. Show tried to break the grip and then grabbed Kane by the throat and Kane raked Show's eyes then chokeslammed him! Kane has snapped!
.:: source: Carl Walsh, Powerwrestling.com ::.
Night's Match Results
- Rob Van Dam def. Rob Conway
- Tag Titles: Spirit Squad def. Kane and Big Show by DQ to retain
- Umaga def. Chris Guy
- Women's Title: Mickie James def. Maria to retain
- Handicap: John Cena and Triple H def. Edge
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 7:08 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
World Tag Team Championship Match
03APR2006: Chicago, Illinois
The Spirit Squad vs. Kane and The Big Show (c)
Referee: Chad Patton
Mike and Kane start off, Kane delivering punches followed by a slam. Ken kicks Kane as he comes off the ropes and Kane belts him into the ring then tosses Ken onto Mike. Show punches Ken flying outside the ring. Kane with an Irish whip to Mike followed by a delayed side slam, up top to hits a clothesline from the top turnbuckle.
Kane punches Mitch and Ken who came onto the apron. As Kane charges, Johnny pulls Mike out of the ring and Kane crashes into the ring post. Mike gets a knee up into Kane's arm off the turnbuckles and follws with some kicks then executes a double sledge to Kane before Ken is tagged in. Ken kicks and punches Kane then tags Mike back in who continues the onslaught with punches to Kane's arm. Kane powers up under a hammer lock to deliver a Samoan drop and both men are down.
Ken tags in and kicks Kane, but Kane's able to tag in Show. Show clotheslines Mike followed by a kick to Ken as he hefts Mike up only to discover the ref is down. Johnny delivers a missile drop kick to Show while the ref is out, and the entire squad lift Show then drop him to the mat. Ken gets a leg drop from the top turnbuckle for the three count.
There you have it - the new World Tag Team Champions, The Spirit Squad
.:: source: Richard Trionfo, PWInsider.com ::.
Night's Match Results
- Tag Titles: The Spirit Squad def. Kane and The Big Show to win the titles
- Chris Masters def. Eric Priest
- Mickie James and Candice Michelle def. Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson
- IC Title: Shelton Benjamin def. Chavo Guerrero to retain
- Handicap: Triple H and Edge def. John Cena
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 6:54 PM