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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Chokeslams All Around

Check out KANE's Official site! 17APR2006: St. Louis, Missouri

Rob Conway is on the mic in the ring saying he's nobody's punching bag, he's Rob Conway damnit, and the next person who dares to disrespect him will be dealt with - here comes Kane!

Kane vs. Rob Conway
Referee: Mickey Hensen

Kane nailed Conway with an uppercut and sent him to the ropes but Conway came back with a boot and forearm. Conway ran into a clothesline then Kane sent him to the corner and squashed him with another clothesline followed by a big boot. Kane grabbed Conway by the throat and chokeslammed him for the win.

No pyro - instead, likea man with a purpose, Kane climbed out of the ring, went over to Lilian and got in her face. He shouted "What did you just say about May 19?", then grabbed Lilian by the throat and picked her up high for a chokeslam! You could see the terror in Lilian's face as she struggled against the inevitable! Big Show's music hit and Kane threw Lilian down hard as Show came down and got in Kane's face, demanding to know what was going on. He asked what the big deal is about May 19. Kane freaked and grabbed Show by the throat trying to choke him out, but Show grabbed Kane by the throat and chokeslammed him! As Show walked off, Kane sat up and started laughing.

The announcers inform us that Lilian Garcia is traumatized.

Later in the show, KANE vs. Big Show is announced for BackLash
.:: source: Carl Walsh, Powerwrestling.com ::.

Night's Match Results
- Kane def. Rob Conway
- Non Title: Charlie Haas def. Shelton Benjamin
- Shawn Michaels def. Umaga by DQ
- Handicap: The Spirit Squad def. Rob Van Dam
- Handicap: Edge and John Cena def. Triple H