SmackDown! January 05, 2007
LakeLand, Florida
WWE SmackDown! kicked off the new year with the SmackDown! Beat the Clock Sprint, a contest where the SuperStar with the fastest win time gets the chance to face Batista at Royal Rumble!
Teddy Long opens the show highlighting the stipulations of the nights fare - 16 competitors will have the chance to beat the clock, and these men will be determined by random draw, and will compete in random order. The GM then introduces Batista, reigning Heavy Weight Champion, and after a nice promo, Long introduces tonight's first competitor - KANE!
KANE walks down the ramp, intense and commanding as he eyes Batista in the ring. As Long and Batista watch, KANE lights up the ring with his pyros, then waits as his opponent is announced. It's Chavo Guerrero! A slow smirk forms on KANE's face on hearing the name of his victim, but Chavo seems none too happy to be going up against such a formidable foe. He turns toward the backstage entrance on the TitanTron, complaining, it seems, to someone there. It's soon apparent there will be no Vickie by his side, as he advances toward the ring, gesturing his displeasure. Batista takes his leave as KANE waits patiently for the bell.
KANE moves toward Chavo who proves to be more of a match for someone KANE's size than one might imagine! Chavo trying to get some kicks in but Kane quickly overpowers him. Chavo tries both a roll up and a sunset flip but it's not enough to get KANE down. Undaunted, Chavo continues to wield his wrestling skill, eventually getting KANE down and going for a regular pin fall, but KANE powers out, stands and bench presses Chavo out of the ring. Chavo gets on the ring apron and Kane brings him back in the ring with a hip toss then throws him around with some clotheslines and a press slam. KANE gets in a leg-drop at 1 minute, forty seconds.
Kane sets up for a chokeslam but Chavo bails. Kane goes outside and tosses Chavo back in and Chavo turns the tables, getting KANE on the ropes. He tugs on KANE's hand, attempting a whip, but KANE balks, stopping Chavo dead. Chavo tries again and KANE balks again, draws back his arm with Chavo holding fast to his hand and tosses him out of the ring again. Kane goes outside stalking Chavo and walks in a drop toe hold on the ring steps. Chavo scrambles back into the ring and urges the ref to count KANE out! Between staving Chavo off and keeping his eyes on a struggling KANE, the ref makes it to the nine count before KANE rolls back in. Chavo wastes no time, attacking KANE with some kicks then rolls KANE over onto his back to get the pin! Ref starts the count then spies Chavo's feet on the ropes and stops a two.
Chavo locks in a scissor choke on KANE and we are reminded by the announce team that a submission counts as a win. For what seems like an eternity, KANE struggles through the choke to slowly gain his legs and reverses with an electric chair drop followed by a flap jack, then KANE goes for a suplex but Chavo reverses with a DDT for a two count! Kane recovers to land a big boot on Chavo followed by an Irish Whip, some corner clotheslines and a sidewalk slam. Chavo is worn out and KANE goes to the top to execute a top rope clothesline for a two count. Chavo fights out of a Chokeslam but Kane drops him as he kicks. Chavo goes to the top for the frog slapsh now and when Kane goes up after him, Chavo rakes him in the eyes - KANE drops, Chavo takes flight but is caught in KANE's mighty mitt as KANE rises to deliver a chokeslam for the win at 7:53. [photos] []
Central Index
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Gettin' Ready to Rumble
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 12:07 PM