APR 20, 2007
Milan, Italy
Aired on The WC
8:00 pm
In this 400th episode of SmackDown!, Regal and Taylor wait in the ring as KANE makes his fiery entrance. I still love to see THE FIRE STILL BURNS blazing on the screen as the stoic figure of KANE takes to the platform! Regal and Taylor are being held at bay inside the ring by the ref, Jim Korderas while KANE grabs the top rop and steps up and into the ring. The bell signals the start of this Handicap Match as Taylor moves to the apron corner and Regal takes KANE on.
KANE easily handles Regal then Taylor, until Regal trips KANE up into the steel steps on the outside. Dazed, KANE can't seem to get it together enough to ward off Regal and Taylor's attacks. The crowd tries to rally KANE by chanting his name, but the beatings kept coming. When one man got winded, he'd tag in the other for a fresh beatdown to KANE - with KANE occassionally getting in a brain-jarring blow to either opponent.
Something must have clicked in KANE after Regal came off the ropes and nearly took KANE's head off with a kick - Taylor suddenly find themselves flat on their backs from a double clothesline! KANE then works over his foes, tossing Taylor out of the ring then delivering a Sidewalk Slam to Regal. KANE goes top rope and lands a flying clothesling to Regal, turns and delivers a Big Boot to Taylor! Regal rolls out of the ring, Taylor gets up and is clotheslined out of the ring, KANE stares menacingly at both men as they stumble about on the outside. They've had enough! The Brits LEAVE - stunning the crowd, the ref and a very steamed KANE! The match goes to KANE, by count out.
Later, in the back, Regal and Taylor grouse to Teddy Long about being put in the ring with KANE. They shouldn't have to be anywhere near him! Long reminds them they are in the WWE for competition and tells them next week they will go up against KANE. Regal says they don't want to be in the ring with KANE - they're trying to get as far away from him as they can. Long says they will have KANE next week, in a tag match, and KANE's partner will be . . . The BoogeyMan! Regal and Taylor are stunned.
(Not televised) The fantastic fans in Milan got to see KANE at the end of the show as he storms down the ramp after Kennedy and Finlay double-teamed The UnderTaker. Teddy Long comes out and declares a Tag Match there and then! 'Taker and KANE win with stereo-ChokeSlams to Finlay and Kennedy to the delight of the crowd.
Central Index
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Melee in Milan
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 4:33 AM