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Saturday, July 21, 2007


JULY 20, 2007
Laredo, TX
Aired on The WC
8:00 pm

The prowerstling world has seen more than it's share of shock and awe the past few weeks, and this week fans were set aghast when the RatedR Superstar announced he'd received an injury that would have Ted Long stripping him of his Title on SmackDown! More gasps would escape a multitude of lips as The Great Khali ended up holding the Title, with KANE and Batista joining him in the ring at The Great American Bash this Sunday in a Triple Threat Match for the Championship.

You'd have thought it would have been KANE, since he was the No. 1 Contender, issuing a challenge to anyone for the World Heavyweight Title. And it would have made sense that Batista, now out from under the ruling that he couldn't go after the Title as long as Edge had it, would have opted in.

But no. In his infinite wisdom, Long announced there'd be a 20 Man Battle Royale and - after one of the strongest multi-man matches in years - it came down to KANE, Batista and Khali. While KANE and Batista tried to take each other out, Khali trumped them both and sent them toppling. What a SHOCKER!

Next, Long and Vickie decided that KANE, the No. 1 Contender, and Batista, as the original contracted opponent of the Great Khali, should battle it out to see who take on Khali at the Bash for the World Heavyweight Championship. KANE and Batista went at each other, holding nothing back, until Khali entered the ring and got himself toppled out - resulting in a DQ.

Now, it looks like it will be a Triple Threat Match for Title Gold this Sunday at The Great American Bash! Which one off these monstrous Superstars will stand the winner?