Central Index

Sunday, September 09, 2007


AUGUST 31, 2007
Albany, NY
Aired on The WC
8:00 pm

KANE was one of four men chosen by Teddy Long to participate in a challenge for the No. 1 Contender spot against Khali at Unforgiven in September. It would be KANE vs Finlay, and Batista vs Rey Mysterio - the winners of these bouts to go up against each other.

KANE, sans bandage wrap, took up Finlay's shillelagh and looked to be about to use it, but decided to send it sailing up the aisle where the Irish Bruiser couldn't easily get at it. KANE dominates the match easily in the beginning, but Finlay turns things around outside the ring, driving KANE into the steel steps then going to work on his already injured ribs. Finaly gets three attempts to pin KANE, but the Big Guy battles back and seems to have the match in hand when Hornswoggle climbs the ring apron and gets the ref's attention, followed by KANE's! Finlay takes the opportunity to snatch up the shillelagh Hornswoggle had supplied earlier in the match and lambs KANE upside the head with it. KANE went DOWN, Finlay takes the pin and a controversial win. BAH!