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Monday, October 01, 2007


KANE's reuslts at SD! House ShowsAutumn Brawls

9/8 - Rochester, MN
Mayo Civic Center

KANE over World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali by DQ

9/11 - 9/13 SummerSlam Tour in Spain
Madrid, Valencia & Barcelona

KANE took on Mark Henry in Madrid and Valencia, taking a win via DQ:
Mark Henry is impressive to see live. Crowd booed him big time. Kane’s out next. He was born in Madrid, so he was way over. The match had Kane try and slam Mark Henry several times, but he could never get it done. In the end, The Big Red Machine hits the Turnbuckle Clothesline and a huge Bodyslam, but before he could put Henry away with the Chokeslam, The World’s Strongest Man hit a Low Blow and the referee DQ’ed him. Kane then stopper Henry from nailing him with a steel chair and finally hit the Chokeslam.


I hated the finish but the crowd didn’t really complain. Kane posed around for a while and left.

- wrestlingobserver, wrestlingaudio

What's going on? Is September open-season on KANE's goodies?!?

In Barcelona, to change things up a bit, KANE defeated "the man who loves to fight", the shillelagh wielding Finlay [

9/14 SummerSlam Tour in France
Bercy Arena, Paris

KANE took the win over Mark Henry via DQ after a low blow. After the match Kane Chokeslammed Henry. Kane was one of the top 2 or 3 stars of the show pop-wise. [

9/29 Peoria, IL
Peroia Civic Center

Kane defeated Finlay despite interference from Hornswoggle.

9/30 Hammond, IN
Hammond Civic Center

Kane pinned Finlay. Finlay spent the majority of the first 5 minutes jawing at practically every fan sitting at ringside, while Kane meandered around the ring. (Finlay carried his shillelagh, but nobody had the heart to tell him Purdue owns that thing after whooping up on the Irish Saturday afternoon.) The fans were riled up when the Irishman picked a fight with a huge fan that could rival Mark Henry size-wise.

After a while, the match finally hit the ring with Kane getting off a quick offense of punching. They spilled outside the ring where Kane slammed Finlay into the ring apron and guard railing. Finlay reversed a Kane whip into the ring post that sent the Big Red Machine flailing into the ring steps, injuring Kane's left knee. The match got back into the ring, where the man 'who loves to fight', worked over Kane's knee the majority of the match. A lot of 'you suck' chants came from all corners of the hallowed building (smattered with some 'Go Kane Go! chants), which eventually built Kane up to hit a couple of clotheslines in the corner. After a side slam, Kane scaled the ropes and hit his flying clothesline, knocking out Finlay to the delight of the fans.

Hornswaggle puttered to the ring to try and attack Kane from behind, but the big guy turned around and saw the former Cruiserweight champion. Hornswaggle begged off in a way to make the 'Nature Boy' proud, then Kane dropped to his knees to make the fight a little fair. He still towered over McMahon's bastard son by a head. Hornswoggle McMahon trys and fails to chokeslam Kane. Hornswaggle tried to make peace by putting his green derby on Kane's head. Kane stood up and kicked Hornswaggle away, then Finlay miraculously recovered and hit Kane with his shillelagh in the bad knee. After a quick two count, Kane popped up (still wearing the derby, mind you) and got mad. Between Hornswaggle and Finlay, each would try to distract the referee, but Kane eventually hit Finlay with a chokeslam for the win. Kane teased tossing the hat to the fans, then just kept it on, limping back to the curtain. Finlay stuck around to kick Hornswaggle in the boiler. The little guy popped Finlay in the 'lower abdominal area' (as Gorilla Monsoon would say), and scurried off.

Note: Some of the wrestlers were there pretty early. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat signed a lot of autographs for us as did Kane. (credit: wrestlingobserver)