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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Holiday Havoc

November 20, 2007
Tampa, FL
Aired on The SciFi Channel
source: Steve Carrier, Gerweck.net

Backstage Striker is with Big Daddy V.

Striker cuts a promo towards Kane about how much him and Big Daddy V will hurt him in tonight’s match.


Striker & V immediately start beating on Kane. Kane gets V in the corner and starts beating on him, then he turns to Striker and takes him down. Kane goes back to V. V takes down Kane and jumps on top of him then does an extremely creepy spin on Kane’s back. V lays on top of Kane and starts whacking him in the head. Striker hits Kane in the head with a baseball slide.

Kane struggles to his feet and V slams his head into the ringpost. V runs at Kane and slams into him. Kane falls to the mat and Striker hits Kane (missing him by about 50 feet). V gets Kane in the corner and works on him. Kane gets whipped into the ropes but Kane ducks and takes down Striker.

Kane hits V with an uppercut then climbs to the top rope and dives off landing on V. Kane goes for the cover. 2 count. Kane takes down Striker and goes for the cover. 2 count and it’s broken up by V. Kane goes for a chokeslam on Striker but V interferes and Kane takes V down with a big boot then he turns back to Striker and slams him down and goes for the cover.


Big Daddy V then goes after Kane and takes him down, beating on him. V stands over Kane taunting him.