From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., KANE will be at the K-MART in West Columbia, SC on Saturday, December 1st to sign copies of WWE's Tagged Classics DVD sets for wrestling fans.
From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., KANE will be at the K-MART in West Columbia, SC on Saturday, December 1st to sign copies of WWE's Tagged Classics DVD sets for wrestling fans.
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:21 AM
Labels: KANE Appearance
A powerful explosion rocks the arena - fire licks out from the TitanTron entrance as the volley reverberates off the walls, competing mightily with the screaming and cheering fans. From out of the flames he towers - larger than life and wearing an expression blacker than sin . . . it's KANE!
This tortured soul turned self professed monster enjoys a vast and steadfast fan base the world over, and we here at KANENITE CENTRAL are only too delighted to be among the ever increasing numbers. Join us as we share in the highs 'n lows, the triumphs & tragedies that continue to shape the mystery, the man, the monster that is KANE!
Origins: Parts unknown
See complete profile
The wrestling character, KANE, & other wrestling characters found herein, are under the copyright protection of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE), Titan Sports, & it's subsidiaries, both public & private. KANENITE-CENTRAL, a non-profit fanbased site neither acknowledged, endorsed nor otherwise authorized by the WWE, KANE or Mr. Glenn Jacobs, intends no copyright or trademark infringement in the use of any printed, digital, graphic or photographic material under the "fair-use" act as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
KANENITE-CENTRAL, copyright Qayin 2001-2008, is the 7th version of AHUG4KANE, ignited August of 2001.