Central Index

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


December 21, 2007
Rochester, NY
Aired on The CWB
source: Richard Trionfo, PWInsider.com

KANE, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Henry, MVP, and Big Daddy V

Henry and Kane start things off and Henry backs Kane into the corner and then Henry punches Kane in the corner. Kane with punches to Henry. Henry with an Irish whip but he charges into an uppercut. Kane slams Henry’s head into the turnbuckle and Punk is tagged in. Punk with a drop kick into the corner and then he tries for a snap mare but Henry stays up. Henry backs Punk into the corner and Porter tags in and punches Punk followed by kicks. Porter with a side head lock to Punk. Porter with a shoulder tackle to Punk but Punk with a jumping leg lariat. Punk with an Irish whip and Punk with the running knee into the corner. Punk tries for the bulldog but Porter gets out of the hold. Porter misses the running boot into the corner and Punk with a series of rollups and near falls. All six men are in the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk and Porter try kicks but they block each other. Punk with punches and kicks to Porter and then Punk puts Porter in the corner and Rey is tagged in. Rey with a seated Senton Hart Attack followed by a snap leg drop for a near fall. Rey holds on to the ropes and he kicks Porter followed by a slingshot head scissors and Punk is tagged back in. Punk with a kick to the chest and he gets a near fall. Punk with an arm bar but Porter with a punch and Big Daddy V is tagged in. Punk avoids V and tries to take him down with flying forearms but Big Daddy V with a Bossman Slam and V walks across Punk’s chest. V with a chop in the corner and then V sends Punk into Henry.

Henry tags in and he punches Punk. Henry with a kick to Punk’s chest. Porter tags in and he kicks Punk in the back and chest. Porter with punches to Punk and he gets a near fall. V tags back in and he presses Punk over his head and then he lets Punk go. Porter tags in and he kicks Punk in the back of the head and then he works on Punk’s arm with an arm bar. Porter with a drop toe hold to keep Punk from making the tag. Henry is tagged in and he connects with a head butt for a two count. Henry tosses Punk into the corner and then he kicks Punk in the chest. Punk tries to fight out of the corner but he cannot take care of all three men.

Porter is tagged back in and he snap mares Punk followed by a rear chin lock. Punk with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold but he is unable to make the tag. Punk with an enzuigiri and then he makes the tag to Kane and Kane with punches to Porter. Kane with an Irish whip and two running clotheslines. Kane follows that with a side slam. Kane goes up top to finish off the Moves of Doom with the jumping clothesline. Kane sets for the choke slam and Big Daddy V comes in and Kane takes care of V. Rey is tagged in and Rey hits a moonsault for a two count. Kane and Big Daddy V fight at ringside while Rey sets for the 619 but Henry with a boot to Rey. Henry with an Irish whip but Henry misses a charge into the corner. Punk with a knee to Henry. Porter is sent outside the ring and Punk with a suicide dive. Henry is sent into the ropes and Rey with a 619 followed by a choke slam from Kane and a springboard frog splash for the three count.

Winners: CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Kane