January 27, 2008
Madison Square Garden, NYC, NY
Once again, KANE proved why his name has become synonymous with The Royal Rumble PPV, standing one of the last four men left after an arena rockin' melee.
30-Man Royal Rumble Match
Michael Buffer is in the ring as we return from a lengthy video package. Buffer says that this is the moment that the world has been waiting for. He says that the rules are as follows - number one and number two will start the match out and a new superstar will enter every 90 seconds. This will continue until all 30 participants have entered. The last man in the ring will be crowned the 2008 Royal Rumble Winner and will get a title shot at WrestleMania.
Are you ready? Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA, are you REAAAAAAADY? For the sold out, standing room only, thousands in the Garden, and the millions watching around the world, let's get ready to RUUUUUUUUMBLLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!
Undertaker's music hits. Buffer introduces him. The Undertaker is Entrant #1. Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman talk about Undertaker as JR comes on and talks about him. Undertaker's elaborate ring entrance continues. Tazz says that Undertaker has the worst spot to be. Jerry Lawler says that he guarantees he is thinking about his opportunity.
Coming into the fray at number 20, an excellent position if you ask me, Kane hits the ring and immediately takes out feuding "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Jimmy "SuperFly" Snuka. UnderTaker sets his sights on his "little" brother and signals for a Chokeslam, but shifts to grab Michaels insteasd while Kane gives The Miz a mighty Chokeslam of his own. When Mic Foley comes in at number 22, he felled The Big Red Machine with a DDT. Other entrants swarm in on Kane.
Kane finally gains his legs, joining in the fracas earning another elimination notch when he takes advantage and kicks Morrison off the ring apron where he'd landed after being tossed over the top rope. Elijah Burke, Triple H and the surprise last entrant - John Cena - hit the ring and bodies start flying over the top rope fast and furiously, until there are only four combatants left - Kane, Batista, Triple H and Cena.
In the spirit of the Rumble, Kane grabs both Batista and Triple H apparently to deliver dual Chokeslams, only to find himself hurtled over the top, after spending 17minutes, 58 seconds in the match, by both Batista and Triple H. Three signature gestures and a quick tussle later, and it's down to Triple H and Cena. Triple H declares HE is going to WrestleMania, Cena reminds him of what happened the last time they grappled at WrestleMania - and before you know it Triple H is FU'd over the top rope and Cena is the winner of the 2008 Royal Rumble.