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Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - Colorado Springs, CO
source: - As May comes to an end, the world of sports-entertainment is chomping at the bit like never before as the Superstars in the Land of the Extreme are aching for One Night Stand to arrive. Both the self-proclaimed “Mexican Warrior” and Mr. Money in the Bank looked to gain an edge heading into Sunday’s contest that would determine the No. 1 Contender to Kane’s gold as Night of Champions.
This night’s main event pit the ECW Champion against the WWE Tag Team Champions in a Handicap Match. The Miz looked to defeat Kane for the second consecutive week while John Morrison hoped to overpower the Big Red Machine and make the other hopeful No. 1 Contenders sweat.
Kane dominated the WWE Tag Champs early in the match even as Miz & Morrison tried to wear him down tagging in and out and working him over with kicks and punches in their corner. After surviving a double team clothesline, Kane begins to take Miz apart when Morrison gets involved. Kane goes up-top to execute the flying clothesline following with a dual chokeslam on both men. Miz and Morrison kick out of the chokehold and begin to beat on Kane when the ref calls for a DQ.
Suddenly all of the participants of the One Night Stand Singapore Cane match are in the ring and Kane, along with Big Show, begin to clean house. In the end, the two goliaths are alone in the ring, staring each other down as the show closes.
Central Index
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
KANE vs The Miz & Morrison: Non-Title Match
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 8:19 AM