He who laughs last - laughs . . . maniacallyphoto: courtesy wwe.com
Monday, August 11, 2008 - RICHMOND, VA
source: WWE.com and PWTorch.com- Last week, RAW GM Mike Adamle intimated he would make Kane reveal the contents of his burlap bag to the WWE universe on the next RAW installment. This week, Adamle pressured and Kane delivered, but the revelation left more questions for the wrestling fiefdom.
Early in the evening, Kane barged into Adamle's office with a terse "You wanted to see me?" and Adamle revealed to the world that Kane would, again, not have a match on the upcoming WWE PPV. Instead, he made match between Kane and Jericho that would take place that night on RAW, calling it a SummerSlam Spectacular. True to form, Kane didn't seem to have a problem with not being booked on a major PPV venue. The GM then told Kane he would have to hand over his bag after the match - The Big Red Monster told him he was making a huge mistake.
At the height of Kane's match against Chris Jericho, Adamle stormed the arena with an arsenal of burly brutes and surrounded the ring causing enough of a distraction for Jericho to capitalize and for Kane to lose the match. Adamle then entered the ring and proceeded to coerce Kane into giving him the bag
As Kane went through an emotional range of protection to confusion to pique, the Raw GM said he knew Kane was referring to himself when asking if 'he' is alive or dead; that 'he' was the monster inside Kane. He went on to say Kane has tried to exorcise his demons to live a normal life and failed, but if he handed over the bag he could have a normal life.
Kane moved close to Adamle, saying the GM had it half right. There was a mask in the bag, and the man who wore it had been scarred, tortured and damaged beyond all human recognition. Problem was, it wasn't his mask. Kane then opened the bag, pulled out and held up the mask . . . of Rey Mysterio! Adamle gasped, Kane laughed maniacally, dropped the mask to the mat and walked out of the ring.
Why was Kane, a man who shows little or no concern for anyone, including himself, worked up over Rey Mysterio and his fate? Worked up so much that he went berserk all over Jerry Lawler and a handful of the WWE crew over the course of three or four weeks? Worked up enough to carry around Mysterio's mask in a burlap bag like a secret talisman? Is this it . . . or does Kane have more to reveal?
Central Index
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:43 AM