May Day for High Flyers photo: courtesy
Monday, October 27, 2008 - TUCSON, AZ: Tucson Convention Center
source: - CyberSunday Fallout: A vid-clip rolls of Rey Mysterio's interview back stage where Grisham asked about facing Kane. Mysterio said wrestling Kane will change you. Some are destroyed, he said, while others push through. Evan Bourne
interrupts to hype their upcoming match.
The Bourne vs Mysterio match was one of the best I've seen in a long time. These two high-fliers were well matched, went full boor and brought out the best in each other. It was definitely PPV quality! Mysterio picked up the win, though it honestly looked like it could have gone either way, and the two gave each other well deserved props.
Kane's theme split the air of camaraderie and two heads swiveled to watch The Big Red Monster storm down to the ring. Rey sent Evan on his way then charged at Kane, only to be dropped with a big-boot. Kane showed his contempt for the masked master of the 619, beating on him and trying to take off his mask, until Evan returned to the ring and mad the save. The two luchadores worked on Kane until Mark Henry entered the scene, then Evan went for Henry leaving Mysterio to fend off Kane. Henry took care of Bourne, ending with The World's Strongest Slam, while Kane laid Mysterio out with a Chokeslam that had the Tucson crowd gasping. The behemoths stood over their prey to a chorus of boos to end the segment.
My - my! Interestingly, Mysterio and Bourne have a healthy respect for each other while Kane and Mark Henry were at each other's throats not so long ago! Will Kane and Mark Henry join forces via their individual disputes with Mysterio and Evan Bourne?
Central Index
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:55 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
No Mysterio for Kane photo: courtesy
Sunday, October 26, 2008 - PHOENIX, AZ: US Airways Center
source: - Kane's Pain: Once again Rey Mysterio faced off against Kane, and once again managed to score a PPV win over The Big Red Menace.
The WWE Universe voted to see a No Holds Barred match between the two Ring Titans, where the only was to garner victory would be by pin or submission. Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole believed this would stack the odds in Kane's favor, and when he walked out wearing a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon, so it seemed did Kane. There would be no DQ to save Mysterio this time around.
With an arsenal of weapons at their disposal, the masked wonder and his arch-nemesis used everything from Kendo sticks to stop signs to steel steps on each other in and out of the ring. Kane would elude the 619 thrice, cutting Rey down instead with the clothesline or big boot, but the pin for him would be just as elusive as Mysterio would continually manage to get a shoulder up before the three count. In turn, Rey escaped Kane's caustic clutch and the ensuing chokeslam and each time managed to get the Monster down on the mat, only to be tossed off before three. But it would be Rey's speed and quick thinking that would win out over Kane's brawn and well timed baiting.
Mysterio turned the tables on Kane as he was being stalked into a corner and the inevitable chokeslam onto the top of the steel steps Kane had rigged earlier, but felling the giant with a drop-toe-hold that sent Kane straight into his own set up. That would set the scene for a 619 that connected, leading to a West Coast Pop and the winning pin by Rey Mysterio.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Razing the Gauntlet
photo: courtesy
Monday, October 20, 2008 - CORPUS CHRISTI, TX: Corpus Christi Arena
source: - Earlier in the RAW evening, GM Mike Adamle announced Batista and Chris Jericho would participate in an Adamle Original - a Gauntlet Match where they would each face the same three opponents of his choosing.
Batista was first up, laying out William Regal with the Batistabomb. He really left little for the World Heavyweight Champ to do, and as Regal staggered to get to his feet, Jericho took him out. Next, Adamle introduced Mark Henry, whom Jericho would face first. After being manhandled a bit, Jericho lammed Henry with the World Heavyweight Title, losing the match by disqualification. Batista took advantage of Henry's disposition and pinned the behemoth.
Mike Adamle then announced Chris Jericho would lead off the next round, and his opponent would be none other than the WWE's Big Red Machine, Kane. As Kane made his way to the ring, Michael Cole described the look on Jericho's face as fear - yup, that's what it looked like! And, as could be counted on whenever Kane is on, they went to commercial break.
They returned from break with Jericho and Kane battling back and forth. Jericho shoved Kane to the corner and went to work on the knee, but Kane smacked him across the mouth and the loud noise popped the crowd. Lawler said Adamle set this match to teach both Batista and Jericho about respect, but Kane has no respect for anyone. Jericho tried to come back with the Walls of Jericho, but Kane fought out, flipping him across the ring. Kane went for the flying elbow but landed hard on the mat as Jericho moved and tried to turn the tables with the Codebreaker. Kane "swatted him away like a mosquito" as The King said. As Batista clapped and cheered, Kane went top rope but Jericho crotched him then climbed up to punch on him. Kane ended the barrage of blows headbutting Jericho to the mat then nailed a flying clothesline for a nearfall. He looked for a chokeslam, but Jericho elbowed out of the choking grip and Kane dropped him onto the top rope then knocked him to the floor outside the ring. Batista stalked around the ring to meet Jericho, who backed up right into Kane's clutches. The Monster yanked Jericho up by the hair and suplexed him back into the ring then nailed a big boot for the pin and the win.
Ref Hebner raised Kane's arm in victory as Adamle announced Batista's turn and when the bell sounded Kane turned into a Spinebuster. Before Kane knew what hit him, Batista had the pin and win.
Vote on the Kane vs Mystrio Cyber Sunday PPV match then tune in this Sunday!THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS . . .
WWE Universe chooses the type of match
Text A to 44993 for Falls Count Anywhere Match
Text B to 44993 for No Holds Barred Match
Text C to 44993 for Best 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match
Each vote costs $.99 plus standard text message rates apply
Only available to United States cell phone subscribers
Maximum of 10 times per vote
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:45 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
WWe: The Best of Kane photo: courtesy
Monday, October 13, 2008
source: - Kanenites rejoice! After years of wishin', hopin' and cajolin' we're finally gettin' a KANE DVD! The WWE’s upcoming DVD on Kane, titled “The Twisted, Disturbed Life of Kane”, is a three-disc set to be released on December 9th of this year. At present, this treasure can pre-ordered at
"For more than ten years, Kane has cut a fiery swath of destruction through World Wrestling Entertainment. Whether cheered or booed, Kane has been one of the most popular superstars of WWE, battling his brother Undertaker, fighting the equally deranged Mick Foley, and countless other battles against Edge, Matt Hardy, Triple H, Big Show, Shawn Michaels, and more. He has held both the WWE and ECW championships.
Now, for the first time ever, fans can purchase The Best of Kane, a 3-DVD set that collects the greatest matches in the Big Red Monster’s history."
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:39 PM
Labels: KANE Merchandise
Re-match: Kane & Mark Henry vs. Rey & Matt Hardy photo: courtesy
Monday, October 13, 2008 - ANAHEIM, CA: The Honda Center
source: - Stars in the WWE Universe were out in force Monday Night as Raw came to life inside the confines of the Honda Center. With just two weeks until Cyber Sunday, celebrities, including Nancy O'Dell and Johnny Knoxville, showed up to catch all the WWE action on a night that would prove as overwhelming as any Hollywood blockbuster.
In the weeks leading up to their clash at Cyber Sunday, Rey Mysterio and Kane met in the ring again tonight, joined by tag partners ECW Champion Matt Hardy and Mark Henry respectively. Kane caught Mysterio and pinned him for the win. The Big Red Monster then continued to kick the Master of the 619 in the ribs, until Mysterio popped up and threw Kane some offense of his own.
The tag team match, however, will not be on the menu for Cyber Sunday when Kane faces off against Mysterio. In fact, the WWE Universe has three different match types from which to choose, including Falls Count Anywhere, No Holds Barred and a 2-out-of-3 Falls. Don’t forget to vote!
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:38 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Kane & Mark Henry vs. Rey & Matt Hardy
photo: courtesy
Monday, October 6, 2008 - SEATTLE, WA: Keil Arena
source: - One night after Kane showed No Mercy on Rey Mysterio at the Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon, he teamed up with Mark Henry to take on the current ECW Champion, Matt Hardy and the Master of the 619, the current object of his ire.
The action charged tag team match began with Kane and Mysterio in ring and ended with Kane taking a 619 before grasping Hardy by the neck to deliver a resounding chokeslam for the winning pin.
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 2:23 AM
Monday, October 06, 2008
WWE NO MERCY PPV Front Page: SHEER KANE-TEMPT photo: courtesy
Sunday, October 5, 2008 - PORTLAND, OR: Rose Garden
source: - When Rey Mysterio faced off against Kane at No Mercy, there was much more than simple pride at stake, as was evident when the Big Red Monster viciously clubbed the luchador with a steel chair, ending the match in a disqualification.
Wearing the colors of Aztec warriors, Rey Mysterio fought valiantly against Kane, who repeatedly attempted to remove his opponent’s mask throughout the match. Contending with the immense power of the Big Red Monster, the Ultimate Underdog managed to turn things around through the use of his signature aerial maneuvers. Just when things were looking up for the Master of the 619, however, Kane smashed him in mid-air with a steel chair, swatting the high-flyer to the ground and disqualifying himself.
In recent weeks, Raw General Manager Mike Adamle had repeatedly given into Kane’s demands, first setting a match against Mysterio for No Mercy, and then adding a stipulation that if the Master of the 619 loses, he must remove his mask in the middle of the ring. In spite of the massive size difference between the two ring warriors, Mysterio consistently held his own during the lead-up to No Mercy, occasionally enlisting the help of fellow high-flyer, ECW’s Evan Bourne.
Mysterio’s battles with the 7-footer began months before, when Kane attacked the Ultimate Underdog outside of a Raw event, injuring and putting him out of commission for weeks. Raw’s Big Red Monster claimed responsibility for the brutal attack, later explaining that he had assaulted the luchador for hiding himself behind a mask, and garnering such accolades while Kane remained miserable and alone. Hoping to expose Mysterio as a coward who hides behind a mask, the Big Red Monster convinced Adamle to add the unmasking stipulation to the night’s match.
But traditional efforts weren’t enough to ground Mysterio and his signature aerial maneuvers, which led Kane to utilize more unorthodox means, and his eventual disqualification. In spite of incredible odds, the Ultimate Underdog retained his mask, and his honor along with it, at No Mercy.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
KANE's Monumental Debut
Sunday, October 5th, 1997 - St. LOUIS, MO: Kiel Center
source: and - For months, the rotund one, Paul Bearer, foretold the coming of a man who would instill fear in every man woman and child, including THE Phenom, The Undertaker. On October 5, 1997 at Badd Blood, the macabre mortician's words were realized.
It was during The Undertaker's 1st ever Hell in a Cell match against HBK that the world got their first look at KANE as he walked down the ramp with Paul Bearer at his side, ripped off the caged door with little or no effort, and climbed into the ring to stand mask to face before The Undertaker, his brother. Stunned, THE Phenom could only stare in disbelief up into the masked visage of a man he hadn't seen since childhood. The Undertaker's troubled eyes skittered over the muscular arms of the man before him as they slowly lifted and fire exploded from the tops of all four ring posts!
The seven foot masked monster took advantage of The Undertaker's shaken disposition, grabbing his brother up and flipping him upside down to dispatch THE Phenom with his own Tombstone Piledriver! Kane took a moment to glance around at the throng of fans who booed their displeasure, then turned left with Paul Bearer in tow. The interruption cost The Undertaker, were he had been poised, moments before, to finish off HBK and take the win, he soon found himself at a loss, in more ways than one, after HBK took advantage and the 1-2-3.
This was the introduction of the man who today still takes great pleasure in eliciting fear in all who cross his path. And tonight, eleven years to the day, Kane, now sans mask, will attempt to cause the unmasking of his opponent, Rey Mysterio, at No Mercy.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Stars Fill the Nightphoto: courtesy
Friday, October 3, 2008 - GREEN BAY, WS
source: and - A brand new opening video package with a new theme song is played. A fireworks display then goes off – it is SmackDown’s debut on MyNetworkTV. Many superstars from all three brands are here tonight and will compete.
We have ourselves a huge tri-branded 8-Man Tag Team Match to kick off the show.
Kendrick and Finlay start the match. Finlay with an Atomic Drop and shoulder block, makes the tag to Batista. Batista rams his shoulders into Kendrick and then hits a suplex. Finlay back in and hits a European uppercut and traps Kendrick in the ring apron. MVP tries to stop him but Hornswoggle is thrown into him for his troubles. We return to see Mysterio in the ring hitting quick moves on Kendrick, Kane and Mysterio stare each other down. Hardy tags in and hits a Double Axe Handle on Kendrick. Finlay back in but Kendrick hits a dropkick and a high side kick. Hornswoggle is seen wearing Kendrick’s jacket, Kendrick chases him outside the ring but gets caught by Finlay. Ezekiel then clotheslines Finlay.
JBL tags in and goes on the offensive on Finlay, hitting elbow drops and tags in Kane. Kane hits aggressive moves in the corner and tags in MVP. Typical heel team advantage on Finlay, JBL hits a big clothesline before Finlay executes a big DDT. JBL tags in MVP when Finlay hot tags Batista. Batista lays out everyone and hits a spear on Kane, a spinebuster on MVP. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but Kendrick gets a back drop. Batista with a running spinebuster and then an assisted splash from Mysterio on MVP. Mysterio goes for the 619 on both MVP and Kendrick but Kane pulls him from the ring and lays him out.
We return to see Kane hit a low dropkick on Mysterio. More heel team advantage until Mysterio hot tags Hardy and Kendrick tags MVP. Hardy goes for the Twist Of Fate but hits The Whisper In The Wind. JBL takes out Hardy, Batista takes out JBL, Kendrick takes out Batista, Finlay takes out Kendrick, Kane takes out Finlay and Mysterio comes through with a missile dropkick on Kane, toppling him off the apron to the floor outside the ring. Mysterio with the 619 on MVP and on to jump off the top rope onto Kane on the outside as Hardy hits the Swanton on MVP giving his team the win.
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:15 PM