Razing the Gauntlet
photo: courtesy wwe.com
Monday, October 20, 2008 - CORPUS CHRISTI, TX: Corpus Christi Arena
source: WWE.com - Earlier in the RAW evening, GM Mike Adamle announced Batista and Chris Jericho would participate in an Adamle Original - a Gauntlet Match where they would each face the same three opponents of his choosing.
Batista was first up, laying out William Regal with the Batistabomb. He really left little for the World Heavyweight Champ to do, and as Regal staggered to get to his feet, Jericho took him out. Next, Adamle introduced Mark Henry, whom Jericho would face first. After being manhandled a bit, Jericho lammed Henry with the World Heavyweight Title, losing the match by disqualification. Batista took advantage of Henry's disposition and pinned the behemoth.
Mike Adamle then announced Chris Jericho would lead off the next round, and his opponent would be none other than the WWE's Big Red Machine, Kane. As Kane made his way to the ring, Michael Cole described the look on Jericho's face as fear - yup, that's what it looked like! And, as could be counted on whenever Kane is on, they went to commercial break.
They returned from break with Jericho and Kane battling back and forth. Jericho shoved Kane to the corner and went to work on the knee, but Kane smacked him across the mouth and the loud noise popped the crowd. Lawler said Adamle set this match to teach both Batista and Jericho about respect, but Kane has no respect for anyone. Jericho tried to come back with the Walls of Jericho, but Kane fought out, flipping him across the ring. Kane went for the flying elbow but landed hard on the mat as Jericho moved and tried to turn the tables with the Codebreaker. Kane "swatted him away like a mosquito" as The King said. As Batista clapped and cheered, Kane went top rope but Jericho crotched him then climbed up to punch on him. Kane ended the barrage of blows headbutting Jericho to the mat then nailed a flying clothesline for a nearfall. He looked for a chokeslam, but Jericho elbowed out of the choking grip and Kane dropped him onto the top rope then knocked him to the floor outside the ring. Batista stalked around the ring to meet Jericho, who backed up right into Kane's clutches. The Monster yanked Jericho up by the hair and suplexed him back into the ring then nailed a big boot for the pin and the win.
Ref Hebner raised Kane's arm in victory as Adamle announced Batista's turn and when the bell sounded Kane turned into a Spinebuster. Before Kane knew what hit him, Batista had the pin and win.
Vote on the Kane vs Mystrio Cyber Sunday PPV match then tune in this Sunday!THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS . . .
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Central Index
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:45 AM