Takin' the Bite Outta Cryme photo: courtesy wwe.com
Monday, November 17, 2008 - ATLANTA, GA : The Philips Arena
source: wrestling247.net - Kane & JBL vs Cryme Tyme: Backstage we see JBL putting his boots on. Kane walks up and asks JBL if he has any advice, captain. JBL says they have no problems and should be able to co-exist. Kane tells him to watch out or find himself in some trouble. Kane walks off.
Cryme Tyme hang ringside with Akon during their entrance, then JBL arrives in his limo. Pyro explodes next and Kane is out as we get ready for this match.
JTG and JBL go at it to start the match until Shad comes in. He works over JBL, tags back in JTG for a nice double team move. JTG works on JBL's arm now. Shad comes back in for more double teaming with a big shoulder and a 2 count. JTG comes back in for even more double teaming. JBL finally catches JTG and tags in Kane. Kane with a slam on JTG and a big dropkick. Kane with right hands in the corner on JTG and a big running clothesline before heading to the top rope. He swooped off and nailed JTG with a lariat. Kane looked for the choke slam, but JBL tagged him from behind and nailed the clothesline from hell on JTG for the win.
Central Index
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 3:31 PM