Time to Make a Changephoto: courtesy wwe.com
Monday, March 9, 2009 - JACKSONVILLE, FL
source: WWE.com - Rey Mysterio, Finlay and Christian Cage vs. The Miz, John Morrison and Kane: The pyro explodes as Michael Cole welcomes us to a packed RAW in Jacksonville.
Rey Mysterio is out first for this special six-man tag team match. Out next is Finlay with Hornswoggle followed by Christian Cage. We take a commercial break before their opponents make their way out for the match
Back from commercial and the WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison are at ringside, taunting the faces in the ring. The pyro explodes and Kane erupts from the flames to make his way to the ring. Christian and Miz start the match off, locking up and running the ropes with Christian taking Miz down with a spin kick. Christian counters uses the ropes to choke Miz before hitting an inverted DDT for a 2 count.
Miz counters and tags in Kane. Christian hits him with an elbow in the corner and comes off the second rope with an attempted roll-up. Kane counters and launches Christian into the corner. Huge side slam by Kane gets a 2 count. Morrison is tagged in now and he takes Christian to the mat with a big uppercut and a kick to the skull. Miz is tagged back in and they double team Cage, getting a 2 count. Headlock applied by Miz now as the crowd gets behind Christian. Christian decks Miz and they both go down. Finlay and Morrison are tagged in at the same time. Finlay unloads on Morrison, sends Kane to the floor and brings Miz in the ring, clotheslining them both before tagging in Rey. Rey comes in and unloads on Morrison, hitting a springboard move.
Rey hits a big hurrancanrana from the top rope for a 2 count on Morrison as Miz broke the hold. Miz misses his bronco buster move on Rey and falls to the floor. Rey drops Morrison for 619 but Kane grabs Rey for a chokeslam. Finlay and Christian come in, sending Kane to the floor. Rey does something awesome and drops Morrison for the 619 again, nailing it. Rey comes off the top rope and hits a plancha to get the pinfall and the win.
Winners: Rey Mysterio, Finlay and Christian Cage.
Central Index
Monday, March 09, 2009
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:43 PM