Triple Threat Qualifierphoto: courtesy
Monday, March 2, 2009 - BOSTON, MA: The TD Banknorth Garden
source: - Kane vs. Mike Knox vs. Mysterio: Fireworks as Michael Cole welcomes all to a packed TD Banknorth Garden. Tonight we have Kane in a Wrestlemania25 Money in the Bank Qualifying Match.
The Money in the Bank briefcase is shown hanging above the ring as Lilian Garcia introduces Rey Mysterio, followed by Mike Knox, followed by Kane. Rey slips outside the ring and Knox chases him back in where Kane charges Rey and knocks Knox off the apron. Rey goes for a hurrancanrana off the top but Kane catches him. Rey works free, Kane takes a tumble and Mysterio turns around into Knox. Knox tosses Rey over the top to the floor before getting decked and rammed into the corner by Kane. Knox and Kane simultaneously hit each other with big boots and go down while Rey is still out on the floor . . . Fade to commercial.
Back from break we find Knox trying to break Mysterio's back over his knee. Rey fights out with knees to the head as Kane tarries on the outside. Rey kicks at Knox but The Big Red Machine pulls his leg from the outside and drags Rey to the floor. Kane comes in and Knox goes to work on him. Rights by Knox in the corner on Kane. Knox hits a big running splash on Kane in the corner and takes him down with a headlock.
Kane fights out with a big side slam but gets knocked back to the mat by Knox. Rey comes in and fights with Knox on the apron. Rey takes Knox down with a head scissors move, runs the ropes and hits the big bulldog. 2 count by Rey on Knox. It really looked like a three count. Knox picks Rey up with a big side slam and gets a 2 count of his own. Knox picks Rey up on his shoulder but Rey slides out with a big DDT but Kane comes in to stop the pin. Rey drops Kane face first into the turnbuckle and kicks off Knox. Knox throws Rey through the air and he lands on Kane. Rey drops Knox for the 619 but Kane grabs Rey by the throat and kicks Knox down. Rey slides out of the chokeslam and hits the 619 on Kane. Rey hits the big senton off the top rope for a 2 count as Knox makes the save.
Knox hits his finisher on Rey and lays him out. Kane comes up and chokeslams big Mike Knox for the pinfall, the win and the spot at Money in the Bank.
After the match, Kane picks Rey Mysterio up and drops him with a big chokeslam. Kane looks up at the briefcase hanging above the ring and smiles before walking off to the back as Knox and Mysterio lay in the ring.
Central Index
Monday, March 02, 2009
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:59 PM