Money in the Bank Ladder Matchphoto: courtesy
Sunday, April 05, 2009 - HOUSTON, TX : Reliant Stadium
source: & - CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian Cage vs. MVP.
In-ring: CM Punk opens WrestleMania as he makes his way to the ring to a big pop. We’ve got Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at ringside. They introduce the Spanish announce team and they speak as the WWE United States Champion MVP makes his way to the ring. Out next is Finlay with Hornswoggle by his side somewhere. Shelton Benjamin is out next followed by Kofi Kingston in his WrestleMania debut. Christian Cage comes out next to a big pop followed by the last man, Kane.
The match starts and all eight men go at it. Kane dumps MVP over the top to Finlay. It’s only Mark Henry and Kane in the ring as they go at it. A big chant for Christian breaks out. Henry splashes Kane in the corner. Shelton and Cage bring a ladder in the ring and take out Kane and Henry. Kofi leaps over their ladder and dropkicks it on them. Kofi does his BOOM BOOM on the ladder that’s on Shelton and Cage. Kofi looks to have hurt his leg. The ladder is up as Kane and Henry climb it at the same time. The rest of the participants come in and fight them down off the ladder. They dump Kane to the floor and knock Henry to the floor. Shelton climbs the ladder and Punk goes at it. Finlay and MVP climb the other ladder and they all fight it out. Kane and Henry come back in the ring and tip both ladders over, sending everyone flying.
Kane clears the ring and sets the ladder up. He starts climbing until Henry comes in and tips the ladder over, sending Kane to the rope. Henry is in the ring by himself now setting up the ladder. He tries to throw it at Finlay’s head but he ducks and it flies to the floor. Finlay sends Henry to the floor. Finlay leaps through the ropes onto Kane on the floor. Cage is in the ring now and he flies off the corner to the floor on Finlay and Kane. MVP is on the apron, gets the fans hype and leaps down on the floor onto all three men. Punk and Kofi are in the ring now. They bounce off the ropes and fly through them, landing on the other four men on the floor. Shelton climbs a ladder set up on the floor and leaps from the top onto all the othr men on the floor. A huge holy shit chant breaks out! Incredible spot! Henry is in the ring now and he climbs to the top rope. Before he can jump, Finlay knocks him down with the shillelagh. Hornswoggle throws a mini-ladder in the ring and sets it up but Finlay takes it and puts it in the corner infront of Henry, who is still laying over the top rope. Hornswoggle stands on Henry’s back on the top rope and leaps on the other 6 wrestlers on the floor. Finlay decks Henry with the mini-ladder and brings in a regular ladder from the floor.
Finlay and Kofi go at it in the ring now. The ladder ends up falling on Finlay in the corner. The crowd chants for Kofi. Kofi jumps at Finlay but Finlay smacks him in the face with the mini-ladder. Punk comes in but Finlay drops him on top of the ladder with his roll finisher. Finlay takes everyone out with the small ladder. Finlay sets the ladder back up and gets ready to climb. He gets kicked by Kofi off the ladder and Kofi starts climbing. Henry comes in and tips the ladder over with Kofi on it, almost nailing the cameraman. Henry drops Kofi with a headbutt. Henry picks up the ladder and holds it trying to put it up. Kofi stands up, leaps up the entire ladder and tries to jump down on Henry. Henry catches him in mid-air and drops him with the World’s Strongest Slam on top of the ladder. Awesome spot. Henry climbs up the ladder but MVP jabs him with a ladder from the floor. MVP goes to work on Henry in the ring now. MVP climbs the ladder but Shelton comes in and they go at it.
Shelton leaps off the ladder but MVP catches him in a powerbomb. MVP climbs and gets close but CM Punk comes in and they go at it on the ladder. Cage pulls MVP off the ladder and clotheslines him. Cage tries to pull Punk off but gets kicked. Punk grabs the briefcase with one hand but Cage stops him. Punk grabs Cage on the ladder and tries to go for a GTS. One ladder is sticking out as a platform up high on the other ladder. Cage counters the GTS and drops an Unprettier from way up high. Insane spot. Shelton drops Kane on the floor. MVP climbs the ladder and reaches the briefcase. There’s another ladder propped up on the ropes from the floor and going to the platform ladder. Shelton climbs over three ladders and meets MVP on the top. They fight at it and it looks like MVP smacks his face every time on the way down. Shelton picks MVP up and powerbombs him over the top rope to the floor onto Tony Atlas, Mark Henry and others. Shelton and Finlay fight at it on the ladder and Finlay falls hard. Shelton is insan here and someone has to get hurt it seems. Christian climbs a ladder but Shelton meets him up top. There’s two ladders and it tips over, sending Shelton to the floor. Christian bounces back off the ropes and stands the ladder back up. Cage climbs for the case but Punk meets him on the ladder. Cage slams his head into the ladder and Punk’s legs are tied up on the ladder. Cage reaches but Kane comes in and stops Cage. Punk is hanging upside down by his legs. Kane drops Cage from the top of the ladder. Kane reaches but somehow Punk comes up and they fight on top. Punk grabs the case and Kane grabs him for a chokeslam. Kane gets kicked up high by Punk and Kane falls. Punk grabs the briefcase and wins Money in the Bank. The crowd boo’d him a bit right as he won.
Winner: CM Punk.
Central Index
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
WWE WrestleMania 25
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 7:06 PM