27MAR2006: Omaha, Nebraska
The fireworks went off in the arena for the start of WWE RAW as Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Jonathan Coachman welcomed us to the show, and we are under a week away from WrestleMania 22!
Carlito is already in the ring, set for action here tonight as he's asked for a rematch with Kane!
Kane vs. Carlito
Referee: Mickey Hensen
As Kane prepared to set of his pyro, Carlito launched the initiative clipping Kane's leg and going to work on Kane to covered for two. Kane sat up and Carlito lammed him then delivered a series of right hands with little effect. Kane grabbed Carlito by the throat but Carlito raked at Kane's eyes and then jumped on his back with a sleeper. Kane yanked Carlito off by the hair, Carlito poked him in the eyes again but then ran into a big boot. Kane nailed right hands in the corner and then charged in with a clothesline.
Kane nailed another clothesline for good measure in the corner and then a side slam before going up top to connect with a clothesline on Carlito. Kane signalled for the chokeslam, Carlito avoided it and sent Kane to the corner then dropkicked Kane's knee and covered for two. Carlito's springboard effort got him caught by the throat and Carlito pulled the referee in to break the hold - the terrified ref called for the bell.
Winner by disqualification, Kane
Kane chased Carlito to the back where he cornered him only to have Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade and Chris masters jump him. They slammed Kane into a closet door, locked him in there and then Masters parked a fork lift in front of the door. The Big Show appeared on the scene and cleaned house on the guys then went to move the forklift, but had to push it because there were no keys.
Back in the arena, Masters and Carlito made their way down to the ring looking all cocky as the Big Show is shown on the TitanTron in the back pushing the forklift. Kane suddenly walked up behind Show and asked if he needed a hand! Show asked how he got out of there - Kane shrugged and pointed over his shoulder, saying there's another door back there. Show and Kane made their way towards the arena while a bewildered Masters and Carlito looked on.
Masters recovered enough to take the mic to declare he and Carlito will walk out of WrestleMania as the World Tag Team Champions. He said he's proven it a million times, nobody breaks his Master Lock, and not even Big Show could escape the Master Lock Challenge.
Big Show's entrance theme blares as he and Kane make their way to the ring. Kane chased Carlito through the crowd as the Big Show got set to face the Master Lock Challenge. Show sat in the chair and Master's had trouble getting the Master Lock on. Show shrugged and Master's went for it again but couldn't get it on. Masters said it wasn't fair and Show is all greased up. Show wiped himself off with a towel as the fans chanted 'pussy' at Masters. Master's went to lock it in again and again he couldn't get a grip. Masters got po'ed and nailed Show in the back - Show got tired of the play and nailed Masters with the chokeslam.
Night's Match Results
- Kane def. Carlito by disqualification
- Shawn Michaels def. Triple H by disqualification
- The Spirit Squad def. Eugene, Val Venis and Viscera
- Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson def. Candice Michelle and Victoria
- Non Title: John Cena def. Mr. McMahon by disqualification
Central Index
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Closet Caper
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 12:23 AM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Cool Singed
20MAR2006: Memphis, Tennessee
The music of Carlito hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring and he and Chris Masters will face Kane and the Big Show for the World Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania, but tonight he'll be going one on one with Kane!
Kane vs. Carlito
Referee: Mickey Hensen
Carlito nailed some right hands but they had little effect and Kane nailed a shoulder block. Kane sent Carlito head first to the corner, and then hit a huge uppercut. Carlito came back with a DDT but then Kane sat right back up and pulled Carlito down by the hair. Kane nailed a flapjack and then choked Carlito with his boot in the ropes.
Kane then choked at Carlito in the corner and then got Carlito on his shoulder but Carlito dropped out the back and hit a back cracker on Kane. Carlito laughed and then stomped at Kane in the corner. Carlito choked Kane in the corner with his boot followed by some mounted punches. Kane then grabbed Carlito by the throat and dropped him with a choke bomb. Kane nailed an uppercut, and then another, followed by some right hands. Kane hit a clothesline in the corner, and then another one before nailing a side slam. Kane went up to the top rope and went for the clothesline but Carlito nailed him with a mid air dropkick for two.
Carlito went up top and went for a moonsault and landed on his feet when Kane moved, but then ran into a big boot. Kane then went for the chokeslam but Carlito raked the eyes. Kane pushed Carlito down and then Carlito hung him up on the ropes and went for a springboard clothesline but Kane caught him with the chokeslam for the win.
.:: source: Carl Walsh, powerwrestling.com ::.
Night's Match Results
- Kane def. Carlito
- IC Title: Shelton Benjamin def. Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair to retain
- Victoria def. Torrie Wilson
- The Big Show def. Chris Masters by disqualification
- Triple H and Shane McMahon def. John Cena and Shawn Michaels by DQ
- Handicap: Shawn Michaels vs. Shane McMahon and Triple H; No Contest
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 12:38 AM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Six Man Tag Team Match
13MAR2006: Beaumont, Texas
During the contract signing between Triple H and Cena, things got heated and as Triple H got set to duke it out with Cena, the Big Show made his way to the ring with Kane, and they look pissed! Triple H flipped the table and grabbed the sledgehammer as Kane and Show made their way down. Chris Masters and Carlito jumped Kane and Big Show as they entered the ring and they brawled in the aisle and tons of security tried to break it up. Vince McMahon came on the Tron and said if the six of them want to fight so bad, then tonight it will be John Cena, Kane and the Big Show against Carlito, Chris Masters and Triple H! Cena and Triple H are still staring each other down as we go to commercial.
Kane, The Big Show and John Cena vs.
Chris Masters, Carlito and Triple H
Referee: Chad Patton
The music of Carlito hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring and he'll be teaming with Chris Masters, and the two of them will take on the Big Show and Kane for the World Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania, and they will be teaming with the challenger to the WWE Championship, Triple H. The Big Show and Kane then made their way to the ring as the World Tag Team Champions, and they will be teaming with WWE Champion John Cena.
Show tossed Carlito to the corner and nailed him with a huge chop, and then silenced the crowd and nailed another one. Show followed up with a head butt and then scored with another chop before tagging in Kane. Kane nailed an uppercut and then a big boot. Kane sent Carlito to the corner and hit a clothesline, and then followed up with a side slam. Masters came in and was met with an uppercut and then Carlito raked the eyes and tagged in Triple H, but Kane tagged in Cena.
Triple H and Cena stared each other down and then the Triple H backed off and tagged in Carlito. Cena took Carlito down with a shoulder block and then a huge back drop! Masters came in and was met with a belly to belly suplex and then Cena stared at Triple H some more. Masters took Cena down from behind and stomped away on him and then Carlito nailed him with a suplex. Masters tagged in and hammered away on Cena and took him down with a delayed vertical.
Masters hit an elbow to the back and then tagged in Carlito. Carlito stomped away at Cena and then hammered away with right hands and covered for two. Carlito hit a flapjack and covered for another two. Carlito missed a splash in the corner and Show tagged in. Show hit a clothesline and then a side kick to Masters. Triple H came in and nailed a right hand but then Show nailed him with a headbutt.
Show hit a powerslam on Carlito for two when Masters broke the fall and then Kane came from the top with a clothesline on Masters, and then sent him to the outside. Show press slammed Triple H and then they went for a chokeslam but Masters and Carlito hit the ring with chair shots to the Tag Champs. Kane and Show stalked Masters and Carlito up the aisle.
Winners by disqualification, John Cena, Kane and The Big Show.
Cena is up in the ring and Triple H realises that they are the only two left. Cena called Triple H into the ring and he got up onto the apron and then Randy Orton came from behind Cena and nailed him with an RKO! Triple H got in the ring to chase off Orton and Orton made his way through the crowd. Triple H looked down at Cena and smiled as the show went off the air!
.:: source: Carl Walsh, powerwrestling.com ::.
Night's Match Results
- Women̢۪s Title: Trish Stratus def. Victoria to retain
- Edge def. Goldust
- Handicap Cage Match: The Spirit Squad def. Shawn Michaels
- Intercontinental Title: Shelton Benjamin def. Rob Van Dam to retain
- Cena, Kane and Big Show def. Triple H, Carlito and Masters by DQ
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:35 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
WrestleMania Rewind Match
06MAR2006: Birmingham, AL
The fireworks then went off in the arena as Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and the Coach welcomed us to the show!
As some Oscar type music played through the arena, Vincent K. McMahon announced various matches for Wrestlmania, namely Masters and Carlito as the number one contenders for the Tag Titles held by Kane and Show.
Kane vs. Triple H
Referee: Jack Doan
It's time to play the Game as Triple H made his way to the ring for this WrestleMania XV Rewind Match against one half of the World Tag Team Champions - Kane!
Triple H gave Kane an eye rake and then nailed some right hands. Kane came back with a big boot and then tossed Triple H to the corner and gave him some right hands and elbows. Triple H came back with a running high knee but then Kane sat up and Triple H hit a right hand, but Kane knocked him down with an uppercut. Kane nailed a back drop and then went up top but Triple H crotched him.
Triple H went for a suplex but Kane blocked and nailed a suplex of his own. Kane nailed some right hands and then Triple H came back with his facebuster. Triple H went for the Pedigree but Kane backdropped out. Kane nailed a clothesline and then a series of running clotheslines in the corner. Kane hit a side slam and then went up top again and came off with the flying clothesline. Kane signalled for the chokeslam but then Chris Masters hit the ring!
Kane knocked him down with a big boot but then Triple H clotheslined Kane to the outside. Kane tried to pull Triple H out, but Triple H held onto the referee for dear life. Carlito then hit the ring and spat apple in Kane's face, and then they sent him into the ringpost. Triple H then hit the Pedigree for the win.
KANE also put in an appearance during Show's Non Title match against Cena, when Carlito and Masters decided to crash the ring. Using his special brand of convincing, KANE effectively chased them off.
Night's Match Results
- Intercontinental Title: Ric Flair def. Shelton Benjamin by DQ
- Triple H def. Kane
- Shane McMahon def. Shawn Michaels
- Vince McMahon def. Shawn Michaels
- Kenny def. Eugene
- Lita def. Maria
- Non Title: John Cena def. The Big Show
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 11:58 AM