US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, OH
The votes are in and KANE has won - with 49% over Benoit's 23% and Sandman's 28% - the chance to give Umaga his first loss! The fires of hell erupt and KANE makes his way to the ring, eying a stunned Umaga.
The two Giants stare each other down, Umaga charges and they exchange blows ring-center. Umaga goes for a punch, Kane block and throws a few of his own. Umaga backed in the corner now, Kane goes to work on him. Kane with a choke and takes Umaga to the other corner. Umaga fights back with a head butt then a knife-edge chop on Kane who counters with a barrage of punches.
Umaga ends the rain of pain with a head butt, Kane fights back with more punches and kicks. Kane whipped to the corner, Umaga charges, Kane reverses with an elbow. Umaga hits a HUGE belly-to-belly suplex. Kane sits up and Umaga with a kick to the face. He bounces off the rope and hits a leaping head butt splash to Kane. Kane battles back with an uppercut, and another, he goes to the rope but Umaga hits a spinning heel kick. Fans chanting, “KANE KANE KANE.” Umaga to the ropes, Kane hits a big boot, but Umaga then hits a Flatliner Facebuster. Pace slowed. The two exchange chops now. Umaga rakes the eyes of Kane to slow his offense. Scoop slam by Umaga. Umaga climbs the ropes, but Kane is nearly all the way across the ring. He hits a flying head butt and gets a two count. Umaga with a knee to the head of Kane who is down, and another. Now a punch to the bald head of Kane, and another and another. Kane seated in the corner, and woozy. Umaga charges and runs into Kane, behind-first. Kane falls outside. Umaga tries a Samoan Spike but Kane moves, and Umaga connects with the ring post instead. Kane on the offensive now with a punch, and he rolls Umaga into the ring. He lays Umaga hanging half in half outside the ring, face up and he hits two elbows to the throat.
Back inside now, Umaga in the corner and Kane with fists of fury. He climbs the ropes and pummels with about 12 punches. Umaga is woozy now. Fans are cheering on Kane. Kane with an uppercut, he walks to the corner and charges to the opposite corner where Umaga stands and he connects on a big splash, and he does it again! Kane goes to the ropes, reversed and Umaga with a big reversal into a Samoan Drop. Armando calls for the finish! Kane sits up!! Kane slaps on a choke, but Umaga rakes the eyes! Kane hits a big back suplex. Umaga is in trouble here. Kane goes up high to the ropes. Estrada tries to interfere but Kane kicks him off. Kane flies and Umaga reverses with a punch to the throat. Umaga now calls for the Spike and hits! 1-2-3! Umaga wins!
Central Index
Sunday, November 05, 2006
KANE at Cyber Sunday!
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 9:49 PM