Smackdown 17th November, 2006
Manchester, UKBackstage, Teddy Long approaches KANE tells him since there's no disqualification so he can do his own thing in tonight’s Street Fight, and drops a quick plug for the DVD release of ‘See No Evil’ coming soon. The fans go nuts at the sight of KANE who says nothing, just stares off as Long walks away.
KANE stalks out to a huge crowd pop, pacing in the ring as MVP makes his entrance. KANE lunges at MVP who ducks then unloads with power punches on KANE in the corner. He tries to whip KANE across the ring but it's reversed and MVP is met by the boot of KANE as he comes off the ropes. KANE whips him across the ropes and delivers a back body drop followed by a clothesline then taking to him with heavy foot before MVP rolls out onto the apron. KANE picks him up from the apron but MVP drops to the floor, hanging KANE on the top rope while he goes for a chair that ends up kicked out of his hands by KANE.
MVP makes a run for it but KANE meets him around the side. MVP can't get back in the ring fast enough before he's grabbed by KANE who beats him all the way up the ramp and into the stage props. MVP rallies back, pushing KANE into the phone booth and shuts the door. Somehow MVP seems to think he's safe with a bit of glass and wood between them so he starts taunting "How do ya like that, huh?" KANE answers, punching through the glass door. The blast knocks MVP down flat on his back! KANE shoves MVP in the booth, and as the crowd cheers him on, tips it over letting MVP spill out the broken top! KANE lifts the near broken man up, carries him to the ring and tosses him in as Cole remarks MVP is bleeding from the forehead.
As KANE re-enters the ring, MVP used a chair from earlier to gain the advantage, ramming it into KANE's middle then slamming it across KANE's back as he's doubled over. KANE rolls out of the ring now, but as MVP swoops in he gets a kick to the midsection from KANE and the fight carries on ringside with MVP taking a pummeling. JBL tells MVP he'd better not bleed on his hat, only to have KANE knock the bloodied man right onto the announce table and JBL. JBL looks to make something of this, but backs off as KANE continues his assault on MVP. Back in the ring now, MVP is on the canvas as KANE takes up the steel chair, but Porter rallies again, turns the tables, DDT's KANE onto the chair and goes for the pin, but KANE kicks out at two as we go to commercial.
MVP is battering KANE in the ring corner then moves back to charge in with a stunning kick to KANE's head that has the big guy staggering out to ring center where Porter connects another kick to the back of KANE's leg followed by a vicious clothesline, sending KANE crashing to the canvas. MVP jukes now, laying in an elbow drop to the prone KANE's head before going for another two. Undaunted, fired up now, MVP goes outside to retrieve the ring-bell and returns to use it, but KANE has risen and catches MVP around the throat with one hand. Porter uses the ring bell to break the grasp, then lam KANE in the face with it, and the enraged monster is laid out cold. Porter takes a bit of a breather, his back to the felled giant, and is stunned to turn around and see KANE sit up! The fans are wild now as KANE gains his feet and the advantage.
KANE unleashes on MVP, tearing into him from 'pillar to post' until MVP looks more like a life-sized battered stuffed toy laying on the ring canvas. KANE signals for the crowd to liven up, gets set for his choke slam, then decides to play a bit more. Going outside the ring, he unseats the top rung of the steel steps then tosses it into the ring. MVP can only muster enough strength to roll out of the way as the steel meets canvas next to him. KANE retrieves the steel and as he's poised to use them on Porter, Kennedy flies in from nowhere to hit him in the back. KANE turns his attention on Kennedy who's wielding the bloody mic he used on The UnderTaker with last week, but KANE grabs him about the throat. MVP rallies up to deliver a low blow on KANE from behind to save Kennedy from having the life choked out of him. As KANE staggers about, Kennedy and MVP lift the steel steps together to mow KANE down to the canvas where MVP makes the pin and takes the win.
With Kennedy in the ring next to him, MVP continued to assault KANE until the lights go down and the eerie music of The UnderTaker wafts out with the blue light and billows of fog! The heels scamper out as The UnderTaker makes his way to the ring, starring them down before casting a cursory glance back on his prone brother. Kennedy shoves MVP back in the ring who, pleading, slides back away from the PHEnom then stands and turns just in time to watch KANE sit up again! As the giant rises, MVP turns back toward The UnderTaker who lands a heavy right into MVP's face that spins him around to KANE who plants a right that turns MVP back to the PHEnom. Back and forth the Brothers land punch for punch until The UnderTaker grasps MVP by the throat amid wild crowd clamor! KANE locks in a hold too, and, with a nod from KANE, the Brothers of Destruction deliver the double choke slam as Kennedy watches from the ramp.
As KANE stands over MVP, arms wide and rising, Slow Chemical running a close second to the roar of the crwod, The UnderTaker moves to the ring ropes to stare Kennedy, who is now backing slowly up the ramp, down. With some distance between them, Kennedy's mouth unlocks and he sneers at The UnderTaker, asking if he wants a piece of him before faking a ring return to turn and mark time to the back. Later, Teddy Longs tells a whining MVP he'll be meeting KANE in a Steel Cage next week on SmackDown!
Central Index
Saturday, November 18, 2006
More Mayhem in Manchester
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 8:07 PM