Back from Hell?!photo: courtesy
Monday, September 1, 2008 - ST LOUIS, MO: Scotttrade Center
source: and Less than a week before Unforgiven, RAW was the hot bed of a few volatile Kane-frontations.
Starting things off, Randy Orton, claiming he is still not cleared to wrestle, appeared in his hometown to spend 15 minutes running RAW and its current champions down. World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk confronted Orton in the ring, speculating Orton was jealous about not having the title. After their exchange, JBL came to join Punk in the ring to boast his chances at Unforgiven. He was interrupted by Kane, who Michael Cole called "conflicted, defective and psychotic."
Kane told JBL he, Kane, had been to hell, and he hadn't seen JBL's clothesline, but he had seen Rey Mysterio, that he's there right now. Addressing the WWE Universe, Kane went on to say Adamle could make all the announcements he wanted, but Rey was not going to be at Unforgiven, or there tonight, he'd made sure of it. That meant there would be one less opponent at the Scramble, and he'd be one step closer to . . . Batista made his way to the ring, with Kane angrily protesting off mic. The Animal speared Kane and JBL took that opportunity to attack Punk. Batista then turned his attack on the the self-proclaimed “wrestling god”, and after the WH Champion regained his feet, and speared him too.
Backstage, Kane barged into the RAW GM's office, where Mike Adamle was having a discussion with ECW GM Teddy Long and ECW Diva Tiffany. Kane walked over to Adamle and asked why he lied about Rey Mysterio coming back when he'd already said Mysterio was never coming back. Adamle stammered out an explanation of wanting to send a message to Rey in the hopes he would come back as he was needed on RAW. Kane scoffed at the GM's use of the phrase 'in the hopes', then told him: "Rey's body is massacred, his soul extinguished, but by all means . . . hope." Kane exited, leaving all occupants of the room speechless.
Later, CM Punk, Kane, Batista and JBL faced off in the over-the-top-rope Battle Royal, which moments before had still be promoted as a five man match. As Kane's Championship Scramble opponents began to circle him, Kane and Batista lunged at each other while JBL took it to CM Punk in the corner. Batista attempted a Bomb on Kane, but the Big Red Monster escaped. Batista went for Punk, Kane kicked Batista in the face as he set up a Batista Bomb. Punk then clotheslined Batista over the top rope, leaving himself, Kane, and JBL in the ring. JBL kicked Punk and Kane in the face and went for a Clothesline from Hell, but Punk ducked and backdropped him over the top rope to the floor. Kane and Punk battled one-on-one for a few minutes. Punk went for a GTS, but Kane elbowed out of it. Kane then tossed Punk over the top rope, but Punk held on to the ropes, his feet nowhere near the floor, then dove back into the ring. Punk leaped at Kane who caught him and threw him easily over the top rope, right at Orton's feet, to win.
Kane’s victory was interrupted by familiar entrance music and fireworks, as the Master of the 619, looking mighty fit and nowhere near bereft of soul, embraced the huge fan pop then made a bee-line straight for the ring and the Big Red Monster. Kane was stunned as Rey kicked and pounded on him. The brawl spilled out of the ring until Mysterio flung Kane into the corner post following with a 619 around the ringpost. Kane grabbed Rey by the throat and lifted him. Rey kicked out and head scissored Kane over the security railing into the front row crowd. Rey got back in the ring to celebrate his big return, mounted the second rope and yelled down at Kane, who yelled back at Rey from the floor at the feet of RAW fans.
So . . . the entire thing with the burlap bag and attacking Mysterio in a dark parking lot . . . was a fabrication by Kane? Why? What in Hades is going on here?
Central Index
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:33 AM