RAW Scramble for the World Heavy Weight Titlephoto: courtesy wwe.com
Sunday, September 7, 2008 - CLEVELAND, OH: Arena
source: WWE.com and PWTorch.com- KANE vs. JBL vs. BATISTA vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. C.M. PUNK - WOW! Kane held the World Heavy Weight Title for all of 16 minutes, 25 seconds during the Unforgiven PPV RAW Scramble!
Coming in third, five minutes after Batista and JBL started the match off, Kane fought a brutal battle with Batista, but ended up WHW Champion via a pin on JBL. Here's how it went down:
"Batista and JBL were the first two entrants. Batista dominated the first few minutes. JBL took over at ringside at 3:00. Batista came back just before Kane became the third official entrant by reverse whipping JBL into the ringside steps. Kane dominated Batista for several minutes. He went for a top rope clothesline, but Batista moved. Kane, though, popped Batista in the throat, then set up a chokeslam. Batista elbowed out of that and set up a Batista Bomb. JBL finally re-entered the ring and kicked Batista in the face. Kane kicked Batista out of the ring and ducked a JBL attempt at a Clothesline from Hell. Then he chokeslammed JBL for the pin to become the current World Champion.
At 10:00 Rey Mysterio came out and went right after Kane. Lawler talked of bad blood between those two. Mystrio dropkicked Kane over the top rope to the floor, JBL hit Rey from behind and was rewarded with a spinning head scissors from Rey. Kane hopped on the apron and avoided the 619 before blasting Rey with a clothesline to slow him down. Batista retaliated on Kane then had Mysterio Rey leaped off his shoulders onto Kane. Rey rolled off of Kane in pain As The King and Cole wondered at the team-up of The Animal and mysterio in what was an 'every man for himself' type match. Batista went for the cover for a two count. Rey called for another attempt at the move. This time, though, when Rey climbed onto Batista's shoulders, he went for a huracanrana into a roll-up for a two count. Batista got upset, and Cole asked if it was a good idea for Rey to alienate himself from the only person he could count on in the ring. JBL rallied, hitting both of them, then gave a fallaway slam of Rey onto Batista, for a two count on Batista. Bounding up, JBL put a boot to the face followed by an elbow drop on Kane, then clotheslined Rey for a two count.
The ten second countdown took place. To the surprise of all Chris Jericho's music played. He could barely walk, but he made his way toward the ring, Adamle's replacement pick for cm Punk who had been brutalized by Orton and his cronies earlier. A camera close-up showed welts all over Jericho's back. Jericho entered the ring just as Batista speared Rey. Someone was yelling and carrying on that it wasn't fair . . . Don't know if it was Big Show, Regal or even Orton . . . Batista then speared Jericho. Batista slammed Kane, then speared JBL and went for a cover. JBL put his leg over the bottom rope to stop the count. Chaos continued with Rey getting on a flurry of offense after escaping a Batista Bomb. He gave JBL a 619. When Rey leaped into the ring, Batista knocked him hard to the floor. Big bump, big ohhs from crowd. Kane then punched Batista in the face. JBL went for a Clothesline from Hell. Batista ducked and the CFH hit Kane. Batista speared Kane. Kane came back and bodyslammed Batista with 90 seconds left. He climbed to the top rope and hit a clothesline for a near fall. Why Kane? WHY!?! Kane signaled for a chokeslam. Batista surprised him with a spear and a spinebuster for a three count and the Title with 25 seconds left, and nobody standing but The Animal.
Rey went for a huracanrana on Batista, but turned it into a powerbomb. Meanwhile Jericho crowled over and covered Kane's lifeless body to scored a three count just as time expired. Batista turned in disbelief the wen tto his knees to pound his fists on the mat in frustration while Jericho sneered like an angry villain with barely any life in his body. Jericho limped up the ramp and celebrated with the title belt in hand. WINNER: Chris Jericho."
from PWTorch.com
Central Index
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 1:56 AM