A Hint from Hell?!photo: courtesy wwe.com
Monday, September 8, 2008 - FORT WAYNE, IN: Arena
source: WWE.com and PWTorch.com- 24 hours after Unforgiven, Kane appeared on the TitanTron during Rey Mysterio's win celebration to further torment Master of the 619 with a message from hell.
"Next week, Rey-Rey, you'll face me one on one. And at that moment you'll begin to understand - everyone will understand why you are a victim. I chose you. And as for the reason why, I'm not going to tell you just yet - but here's a hint, Rey. A very 'special' hint."
Kane turns his head with a maniacal smile and the Tron view slides over to reveal he's holding up his old mask. The low rumble of Kane's sinister laugh builds to echo over the arena as we see Rey shaking his head in reaction to Kane's interruption. But is Mysterio's reaction that of disbelief in finding he has become Kane's target? Or is it merely a head shake of pity for the sinister and psychotic seven-footer?
Central Index
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 12:42 AM