To Unmask or Not to Unmask . . .photo: courtesy and skysports
Monday, September 15, 2008 - MEMPHIS, TN: Arena
source: - "Years ago, I was in a position where I was forced to remove my mask."
Kane stands in a room awash with the colors of the deepest fiery cavern. Slowly, he removes the mask he'd once worn as a second skin. Music slips in to fill the silence, a eerie number composed of his old theme with undercurrents of 'Slow Chemical'. He seems to struggle with the loss a moment before lifting eyes filled with fury for all of the WWE universe to see.
"But the truth is, no one forces me to do anything. I took my mask off my face for all of you, so that I would finally be accepted. But that didn't happen, did it. I had the guts to unmask and what did it get me? Everywhere I go, I see people pointing at me. I don't like being pointed at. I don't like being ridiculed. If you people are repulsed by me, then the feeling is more than mutual.
And then I see a man like Rey Mysterio, a man who doesn't have the courage to do what I did. Rey still wears his mask and you people love him. Why? Because all of you wear masks as well. All of you hide behind masks of self righteousness and happiness; all of you pretend to care about your fellow human beings when deep down inside you're all unhappy and the only ones that you care about are yourselves.
When I attacked Rey Mysterio and tore off his mask, I was attacking each - and - every - one - of you -"
Kane's tirade is interrupted by Evan Bourne who tells the seven-foot sinister psychopath he's wrong about Rey, and that he'll enjoy watching Rey beat Kane a new one! Kane responds with a loud raucous laugh until Bourne leaves.
Kane vs. Rey Mysterio
report from
Kane makes his way to the ring first, without his mask. Out next is Rey Mysterio to a huge pop. Rey celebrates with the fans at ringside as Kane taunts him.
Rey takes a shot at Kane and ducks and dodges around the ring. Kane backs him in the corner with right hands. Rey tries for a hurrancanrana but Kane catches him. Rey knocks Kane to the mat with rights while on his shoulder. Kane comes up with a massive right hand and uses the ropes to choke Rey. Kane now stomps on Rey and throws him face first across the ring to the floor. Rey pops right back up and kicks Kane to the outside. Kane is on the floor as Rey stands in the ring, hyping the crowd as we go back to commercial.
Back from commercial and Kane has Rey on the mat in a headlock. During the commercial, Kane decked Rey with a huge big boot. Rey comes out of the headlock but gets scoop slammed to the mat by Kane. Rey rolls and misses a huge elbow drop from Kane and starts fighting Kane into the corner. Rey climbs Kane and nails him 5 times, gets knocked off and comes back for 5 more. Kane catches him this time and flings his body into the steel post like it's nothing.
Kane launches Rey into the corner again and sends him to the mat. Kane drops a big knee on Rey and taunts him while he's down. Kane hits a big back breaker on Rey and bends him across his knee. Rey starts kicking out of the hold and succeeds. The fans start chanting "619" as Kane pummels Rey in the corner. Kane misses a running boot and gets hung up on the top rope. Rey kicks him back and nails the big bulldog and a low dropkick to the face. 2 count by Rey.
Rey drops Kane's face into the turnbuckle and climbs the top. Rey staggers on the turnbuckle and leaps to Kane. Kane catches him but Rey drops off. Big enziguri kick by Rey knocks Kane to the ropes. Rey goes for the 619 but Kane comes up and levels him with a huge clothesline. Kane goes to stomping on Rey again over and over again in the corner. The referee tries to warn Kane off, but Kane's focus is on stomping Rey a new one. The ref calls for the bell and the match as the crowd boo's.
Kane continues to stomp on Rey, then takes a breather before trying to pry Rey's mask off as Evan Bourne hits the ring and attacks Kane. Rey gets up and they double team Kane with high flying moves. Bourne and Rey duck out of the ring and leave together as Kane looks on from the ring.
Central Index
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Posted by Kanenite-Central at 4:38 PM